Acupuncture is a medical treatment method. We place thin needles in various parts of the body which are specified for each disease, for 20 minutes at most. The insertion of the needles is painless, almost imperceptible and bloodless. These points correspond to areas that carry messages from specific nerves – neurotomies in the human Central Nervous System and cause a physiological reaction of the body. This is usually the release of endogenous substances that correct the problem at hand. In other words, instead of exogenously taking substances (medicines), we stimulate the body to produce its own.
The method dates back to the second e.g. century and was first applied in China. Acupuncture is one of the means of treatment of Chinese medicine. Various forms of acupuncture are taught today all over the world and there are different schools such as Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc.
In China it was based on the observation of our body’s energy, called qi, and based on its theory of flow, although this energy is unlike any other measured by physical science.
It was discovered long before scientists discovered Anatomy and Biology and it is believed that disease is due to a blockage of energy, an imbalance of yin and yang (negative and positive element), caused by the action of external pathogens or internal disturbances.
With acupuncture we intend to cure diseases, improve symptoms, prevent the onset of a disease, stimulate and rejuvenate the body, stop acute or chronic pain, reduce medication in a chronic condition, fight addictions, obesity, smoking, alcoholism and to limit the therapeutic impasse that we often encounter in chronic diseases. Acupuncture has been established internationally as a comprehensive healing system. It has no side effects and is completely harmless when applied by properly trained doctors who strictly follow the rules of its application. In Greece, the law prohibits the use of acupuncture by non-doctors because it is recognized as a medical procedure.
The medical community worldwide is taking the issue of acupuncture seriously. The volume of works prepared and announced at the conferences held, with strict scientific and methodological criteria, grows daily, resulting in a more complete statistical record of the effectiveness of acupuncture. Advances in neurophysiology and neuropharmacology and the development of new imaging techniques show the limits of the method and the points of action of needles in the CNS. The indications, contraindications and side effects of acupuncture are recorded and strict rules are established regarding the therapeutic process. Today, the scientific consideration of acupuncture allows doctors to apply acupuncture in combination with modern techniques (electroacupuncture and laser acupuncture).
It is now unquestionable that more and more often, acupuncture finds resonance in developed Western societies not only among the citizens, that is, the sufferers, but mainly among the circles of the scientific medical community. Even in America, the center of technology and know-how, 64% (75 out of 117) of American Medical Universities (Cornell, John Hopkins, UCLA, Maryland, etc.) include acupuncture in the training program of medical students. And in Europe, it is taught as a course in several Universities such as France and Germany, and Master (Msc) and Doctorate (Phd) degrees are prepared. In 1993, the prestigious medical journal New England Journal of Medicine published the results of a national survey which revealed that over 34% of the American people had resorted to at least one unconventional treatment in the previous year. At the same time, experts from all over the world point out that the medical systems of advanced Western countries become more multi-spiritual and comprehensive when they accept alternative-complementary treatments.
Painful syndromes are those conditions in which pain is the previous symptom:
– Trigeminal neuralgia
– Back pain – Sciatica
– Osteoarthritis (shoulder, elbow, hand, knee, etc.)
– Elbow epicondylitis
-Shoulder periarthritis
-Cervical syndrome
-Painful muscle contractions (cramps)
– Dysmenorrhea
Other diseases:
-Anxious conditions
– Colitis ( Ulcerative – Spastic )
-Sexual disorders
-Allergic rhinitis
-Excesses (Obesity-Smoking-Alcoholism)
-Nocturnal enuresis
-Menstrual disorders
– Allergies
-Herpes Zoster
Paralysis and paresis:
– the paresis of the facial nerve and
-motor disorders of the upper and lower limbs after A.E.E.
Aesthetic acupuncture