Postgraduate Acupuncture Seminar with Konstantina Theodoratou on Saturday 24/11 (11: 00-14: 00) in Athens & online.
It is known that emotional state is a process of the CNS that affects the clinical picture of a person, creates or even worsens physical symptoms. The same observation is found in the texts of Chinese Medicine: the body is affected by both physical and mental factors and vice versa, the psyche is affected by both mental and physical factors. Five psychiatric systems and their disorders have been studied. As far as treatment is concerned, acupuncture points have been recorded that have specialized effects on these mental dysfunctions. There are certain points for both the conscious feeling and the automatic feelings or emotions of the subconscious.
The seminar will describe in detail the mental systems, the points where they are treated and clinical cases will be analyzed.
Participation fee: 150 €.
More info & registration: & 2108940532