Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture
The Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture in Greece (SAMAG) consists of physicians, dentists, and veterinarians properly trained and practicing acupuncture.
Also, people trained in acupuncture and interested in the spread, implementation, and promotion of its practice in the Greek medical industry.
According to its Articles of Association the goals of the Association are to:
- bring together, on a scientific level, physicians, dentists, and veterinarians that have been trained and practice acupuncture, or are under training, or declare a scientific interest for acupuncture
- collaborate with other medical research and clinical practice institutions, aiming at the exchange of knowledge for the establishment and promotion of acupuncture
- organize seminars for physicians, dentists, and veterinarians
- cooperate with renowned Greek and foreign educational institutions
- organize National and International Congresses, where Greek and foreign specialists will give lectures
- publish scientific leaflets, and acupuncture manuals
- translate scientific literature into Greek, develop informative websites, and organize informative meetings for the general public.
Section Directors