
Welcome to the 34th ICMART World Medical Acupuncture Congress in Greece, the country of Hippocrates, father of medicine!

Our sincerest wishes that 2021 will prove to be a better year. We can only hope that science advancements and experience will prevail and we will win the present situation, like we did with so many others before.

The present tendency towards a healthier, disease free way of living, infectious or noninfectious in nature, is much stronger than ever – as pointed out by the World Health Organization.

The ancient Greeks first embraced the concept of “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, expressing their perception of medicine combining both physical and mental wellbeing. And what better and most accurate example from the Covid-19 pandemic that “infected” both our body and spirit!

From ancient Greek medicine to “Dreaming of green medicine”, this year’s Congress topic, we aim for prevention and treatments that minimize the negative side effects that affect man and environment.

Congress’s workshops and expert keynote lectures will ensure both clinical and scientific updates of the highest level. Let us all enjoy this journey of scientific stimulation and sharing of ideas and try to recuperate and lay even more stable foundations for the future health threats of any kind.

Looking forward to seeing you all in beautiful Athens, either in person or virtually since we will be hosting the first hybrid ICMART World Congress.
Let’s all take advantage of the great opportunity and despite the obstacles let’s join this amazing gathering in all possible ways offered.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Konstantina Theodoratou
Chair of Congress